

Harnessing The Power Of Stress

In academia we often consider stress to be a monster lurking in the darkest corners of our minds waiting for the opportunity to strike and derail even the brightest students from the path to success. In the battle to fight stress we often overlook the enormous power we can obtain by simply embracing the challenge rather than running from it.

In the modern-day stress plays a major role in the life of a student. For some it is the driving force that allows them to work harder whereas for others it is the demon that prevents them from succeeding in life. One must realise that when perceived positively, stress allows the student to become alert and perform better.

Is it not true that the stress of a test or an approaching exam makes the average student study harder, longer and more efficiently  and more often than not ends up boosting our overall performance. It is the adrenaline rush before a presentation that allows the mind to become active and alert priming it for the work ahead.

Stress plays a major role in building resilience amongst the students. Navigating the extensive class work ,homework and demands of deadlines tempers the students’ resilience ,preparing them not only for examinations but also for the everyday stresses of life.

The cultivation of time management is extremely important in the life of the modern student as it allows them to complete their various activities and still have some time left for themselves where they can sit back , relax and do something that they enjoy. The stress of exams and work is what teaches students this indispensable skill as it forces them to complete large amounts of work within a set limit of time.

Stress also acts as the fertile land where a student can cultivate his problem solving skills. When faced with daunting projects and assignments with deadlines the students are forced to think critically and creatively leading to innovative ideas and solutions. Not only does this create a great scholar it also creates an active citizen  who will be able to efficiently work for the benefit of his nation.

Hence we can now most certainly conclude that in the realm of academia ,stress acts not as a hinderance rather as a catalyst for growth that enhances a students’ ability to perform and prepares them for their life ahead.


By Rayaan. Class XII
