In a momentous celebration of Republic Day 2024, the Government of Haryana bestowed a prestigious honour upon Mukul Gill, the music teacher at Bhavan Vidyalaya Panchkula, for his outstanding contribution to Haryana and Haryanvi Music at the international level. The felicitation ceremony, presided over by Sh. Gyan Chand Gupta ji, the esteemed Speaker of the Haryana Legislative Assembly, recognized his exemplary achievements in the field of music. Mukul a distinguished National level performer, has earlier been honoured with the B- High Grade Artist designation by All India Radio. His exceptional musical prowess has been acknowledged with four gold medals in youth festivals, further attesting to his remarkable talent and dedication. Adding to his illustrious credentials, Mukul is a Gold Medallist in MA Music from Panjab University Chandigarh. He has received the Chief Minister's Award in 2017 and the Governor's Award in 2011, underscoring his significant contributions to the realm of music. The felicitation by the Government of Haryana is a recognition of his commitment to excellence in Haryana and Haryanvi music, elevating the state's cultural heritage to international acclaim. Mukul Gill's multifaceted accomplishments and his global impact in the realm of music make him a noteworthy ambassador of Haryana's cultural richness. Principal Mrs. Gulshan Kaur congratulated Mukul for the achievement.