Students and Parents to make note of the following:-
Attendance on the opening day of the School after any vacation is COMPULSORY.
The authorities expect punctuality, cleanliness, regularity and righteous conduct from the students.
Students seeking leave must submit application in the prescribed form as given in the Pupil Diary before or immediately after the period of leave, duly signed by the parent/guardian.
Students suffering from infectious diseases should not attend the School. After Recovery they should produce leave application along with Medical Certificate and Fitness Certificate from the Doctor.
Parents are not expected to visit their wards/teachers in the classrooms.
No tiffin, book or any other item will be accepted from parents/guardians at the reception.
The school makes provision for Parent Teacher Meetings where both parents are expected to be present.
Any wilful damage to the School property including scribbling or inscribing on the furniture, school walls, toilet doors etc. is a serious offence. Besides penalty that may be imposed on the student, parents shall be liable to make good the loss.
The School owns no responsibility if a student is ordered to go back home for his/her failure to be in proper uniform or for any misconduct.
Students are not allowed to bring motorized vehicles to School without a valid license and helmet (for two-wheelers).
No student should carry money more than Rs. 50/- without any valid reason.
Students should not carry any objectionable material (eg. Cell Phone, I-pods, Cosmetics etc.) or/any other expensive item.