

The Quotidian Quislings

The Quotidian Quislings

At school, not many months since, I, amongst my friends wasraving about the ill and noxious prospects of the Chinese andcordially condemning the diabolical hegemony of the pawnsand poodles of Mao in the sacrosanct India neighbourhood.With the vinegar-tempered vitriols were interspersed beckonsto glory, passive persuasions to arrantly ostracise and boycottany good, hailing its origins to that accursed land. Amidst mylivid oration, a boy interrupted saying that if all amenitieswere manufactured in China, what could we all do butproceed to purchase. My reaction was too vehement to word.But I evasively and incidentally ended the talk without gettinginto much controversy. But his, though lax, rejoinder-cum-interruption forced me to grope over this matter which bearsupon its façade the foreboding of anarchy, a massive welteramongst the swains of India. That day, I gathered a mosthorrifying truth of my life - Destitution of importance ofnationalism in contemporary young-bloods and preponderance of petty personal issues over larger nationalproblems, and the onus of solving them forever is saddled onour bureaucrats. How then are we to shield our lands whichwere snatched from inorganic claws for which gallons ofyouthful blood flowed from the British, Mughal and Arabgoblets?Then, we spliced all our limbs, covered up for others' daubsand splodges, but now, the sinews of unity have grown weakand frail. Time, but most importantly the misconception ofthe concept of democracy has mauled at the once-strongstrands. The latter, liberal ideal was upheld so that even thepoorest, the lowliest and the lost could put their shoulders tothe wheel of national progress in their own means and ways.Ironically, to this day, personal problems and pleasures areprioritized above nation-service. Is it just the beingscaparisoned with uniforms, who are to be whelmed bymartyrdom? What of the populace? If not act, we commonerscan at least support the spearheads of national administration.God Forbid, but if in near future, a military campaign gravitates towards us, it won't just be the BJP leaders andtheir votaries who will meet a gore end, but all of the Indiapopulation will be whelmed by the juggernaut. So, avoidablepolitical nuisance and distractions ought to be put to bequelled.Now, returning to my friend's reply, my contemporaries and Iare not even a decade distant from adulthood. If this mindsetpervades the nous of adolescents today, then I leave it to thekind reader to imagine what shall befall our soil and itsinnocent inhabitants.As for me, I won't think another second before I pink, pierce,scotch and scythe the contemptible curs dwelling in ourmidst, if not with a weapon, with the incisive nib of this verypen.

The QUOTIDIAN QUISLINGS ought to be put to the sword.

Mayank Sinha(10E)
